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Do I Need Wide Fitting Shoes?

Do I Need Wide Fitting Shoes?
Do your shoes pinch your feet?
Do your feet hurt in shoes?
Do the sides or the stitching of your shoes wear out?
Have you gone up a shoe size recently because your old size felt tight?

These are just some of the signs that you might need wide-fitting shoes.

There are many people in the UK who need wide shoes but don't realise it.
Many people may think they need wide shoes but don’t like to admit it.
Many people simply don’t know that wide-fitting shoes even exist!

Wide-fitting shoes aren’t necessarily something that you find on the high street, we rarely have our feet measured once we enter adulthood and what styles are available might not be quite to everyone’s taste.

So, we're on a mission to raise awareness of wide feet and get people to measure their feet, safe in the knowledge that there is a whole new world of comfort out there, without having to compromise on style.

A person having their foot measured

Firstly, we’d like to say there’s nothing wrong with having wide feet! It is entirely normal and, in fact, as a nation we're growing and our feet are growing with us.

More and more people are discovering that they need wide shoes - wide feet are something that people of all ages have - and that there are a lot of companies now to service their need with an ever-increasing range of styles, from the purely functional to high-end fashion, and everything in between.

NEW TO OUR SHOES? Find out more about how we can help!

Someone zipping up red boots with wide feet text

How do I know if I need wide shoes?

As mentioned above, some of the signs that you need wide shoes could be that:
- You have to squash your feet into your shoes.
- You find that your shoes become too tight as the day progresses or when it’s warm.
- Your feet hurt after wearing shoes (or while wearing them).
- You have recently gone up a shoe size to get the extra width or depth that you need for your feet.
- You have swollen feet or ankles, or your feet swell through the day.
- You have bunions, hammer toes, arthritic feet or joints, flat feet or foot issues caused by complications of diabetes.
- Your shoes aren’t comfortable.

What are the benefits of wide-fitting shoes?

The benefits of wide-fitting shoes are vast.

Pain-free walking.
Firstly, if you have painful feet whilst or after wearing shoes, you could discover a world of pain-free footwear! Correctly fitting shoes won’t pinch, squeeze or rub, meaning that you can enjoy walking in shoes again.

Open Quotations I am so pleased with them as it has been years since I have been able to wear pretty shoes again. Even gone back down to a size four again. Had almost given up ever being able to wear shoes without pain again. Well worth the extra money. Will certainly be buying another pair in the future. Close Quotation

A trio of canvas shoes by the pool

Keep active.
Simply having enough room for your feet can really be a life-changing, enabling you to stay active and keep fit, where you may otherwise stop or slow down because your feet hurt too much.

We hear this a lot from our customers, who have been afraid to leave their homes through fear of the impact on their feet, until they discover the comfort and joy of our wide and deep footwear.

Open Quotations I have only been a customer of yours for a few months but finding your shoes has changed my life in that I have been able to say goodbye to painful continually sore feet. Close Quotation
Mrs C

A woman sat on the floor against a sofa

Accommodate medical conditions
Shoes designed especially for your foot shape or need, if you have certain foot health issues, such as bunions, hammer toes, arthritic feet or joints, will further reduce rubbing or pinching by offering room in the right places and use of the correct materials to ensure a comfortable wear.

Learn more about wide-fitting shoes for medical conditions

Open Quotations Highly recommend this company. The only shoes I can wear for my arthritis in my feet. Close Quotation

A woman sat in a blue dress and blue shoes

Prevent falls and improve support and stability
Correctly fitting shoes can also help to prevent falls and improve safety.

As many people buy a shoe size bigger (longer) than they need in order to get the width they require, the extra length of the shoes can be a dangerous trip hazard, leading to falls that can have a devastating impact on the lives of the person falling and their families. How do wide-fitting shoes help prevent falls?

Additionally, shoes that aren’t designed especially for wide feet will likely not be built to offer support and stability in the correct places, meaning that you may be more likely to turn or twist an ankle, or experience other accidents.

A pair of blue slippers with icons and overlay text

Wide-fitting shoes may last longer.
Again, because shoes designed for wide-feet have the right materials in the right place, with the correct support and stability, you may discover that they last much longer than regular fitting shoes. Not only will there be less pressure on the materials and stitching as your foot squeezes and squashes into the shoe, but there will also be improved shoe function for your foot.

We use a variety of quality materials designed especially for wide, deep and problem feet such as beautifully soft leathers from outstanding tanneries for breathability and a little “give” to allow feet to expand, or stretch materials that mould to the shape of your foot to reduce rubbing or pressure on sore areas, recycled cottons and textiles for summer wear and more.

Because they’re better materials, they last longer!

Open Quotations I've been wearing Wider Fit Shoes for years now. I have lymphedema and your shoes are consistently comfortable, long-lasting and a perfect fit. Close Quotation
Ms C

Pure comfort
Last, but far from least, the perfect fit for your feet will transport you to another world of comfort!

There is no substitute for the perfect fit, but so many people may never experience it because they don’t realise that it exists. We’re so used to "making do", believing that "shoes just hurt and that’s the way it is."

But it really isn’t. Find your perfect fit and you will never go back to high street shoes again.

Open Quotations Just had to say how delighted I am with my Jay boots. I've had them on for 12 hours today and only just realised I was still wearing them - normally the first thing I do when I get home is take my shoes off. The level of comfort is an absolute joy...and the fact they are stylish and look totally mainstream is brilliant - no-one except I would ever know they were 4E. Beautifully made, stylish, COMFORTABLE footwear...I will be back!! Close Quotation
Mrs S

A selection of women and shoes

So, how do I know if I have wide feet?

The only way to really know whether you have wide feet is to have your feet measured.

A person measuring aroud their left foot

You can either do this with a foot health professional, such as a podiatrist, at a shoe shop where they have expert staff who can measure your feet, or in the comfort of your own home with a fabric tape measure and our Fit Finder. Check out the video above if you've not done so already.

With a foot health professional or expert independent shoe retailer:
If you’re unsure about buying shoes online or via mail order, why not find an independent wide-fitting shoe retailer to try our shoes?

Open Quotations When you buy the correct width you actually go down in size. I was getting to the stage where I was buying a size 7 But now buy a size 5 from Wider Fit Shoes. I can’t actually fit into or wear wide shoes that they sell on the high street and it is so soul destroying. I would also say that they are very long lasting and well worth the money. Good luck. Hope it works out for you. Close Quotation

Why not check out our video on What's the best shoe for my wide feet.

Risk free footwear

We know that it’s really difficult to order footwear online and find the perfect fit, but we want to make it as easy, risk-free and stress-free as possible. That’s why we offer free postage on returns and exchanges on all UK orders so that, if you’re in the UK and have ordered from us and the shoes aren’t right for whatever reason, you can give us a call to discuss the problem and return them to us, unworn except for trying on to exchange for a different size, style or fitting without paying a penny more in postage.

Once you’ve found your perfect fit, you’ll never look back!

We hope that you agree that our wide-fitting shoes, trainers and sandals offer the perfect fit for every wide, deep or problem foot!

VAT Exempt footwear

Did you know, if you need 6E, 6V or 8E fitting footwear and have a qualifying condition, that you might be eligible for VAT relief?

This means that you could essentially benefit from a discount of 20%. And what's more, our promotional discount codes still apply, meaning you can gain further savings.

We make it easy to claim your VAT relief by clearly listing the VAT exempt price against qualifying products, and provide a very short form to fill out as part of the checkout process when ordering your 6E, 8E or 6V fitting shoes.

Qualifying conditions for VAT free purchases include physical or mental impairment that affects your ability to carry out everyday activities, for example, blindness; conditions treated as chronic sickness, such as diabetes, arthritis or lymphedema; and long-term illnesses.

Look out for the link underneath our available fittings on each product page to claim your VAT exemption.

Need Our Help?

If you’re unsure about anything at all to do with our styles, features or fittings and whether they’re right for you, please do contact us on +44 (0)1933 311 077, Monday to Friday, 9-5 to speak with one of our friendly, knowledgeable UK based customer services team, who will be delighted to help.

OR would you like some in-person help to find the perfect fit for your feet? Then why not book an appointment and visit our Fitting Centre in Rushden, Northamptonshire.

We offer a traditional, personal service to help you find the perfect shoes either for naturally broad feet, to accommodate orthotics and or for foot health issues such as arthritis, lymphedema, diabetes, bunions and many more.

Our appointment system ensures you'll receive our team's full attention and there's no obligation to buy.
Check out our Fitting Centre details today for further information.

Browse all our wide-fitting shoes and boots for men and women now:
Wide-fitting shoes and boots for ladies >
Wide-fitting shoes and boots for men >

Disclaimer: This information is of a general nature and should not be taken as a diagnosis. All questions and concerns should be directed to your Doctor, Podiatrist or other health advisor.

Why not check out some of our other blog posts to help you with you feet.
Fitting Advice For Wide Fit Shoes »
Spoilt For Choice in our Widest Shoe Fittings »
Your Wide Fitting Autumn Shoe Wardrobe »