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Shoe Features

first glance, you may think all our shoes look 'normal' - that they will never
fit wider or 'difficult' feet. But pictures can be deceiving! Our shoes are
designed with many benefits that cannot easily be seen in a picture, however
they all contribute to making our shoes supremely comfortable and making the
wearing experience so much more enjoyable.
Please use our Fit Finder to find your correct fitting - and don't be put off - we can find a stylish, wide fitting shoe to suit you!
Click on one of the wider fit shoe features below to learn more.
Hidden Depth
Variety of Width Fittings
Removable Insoles
Twist Control Insoles
Supportive Back Stiffener
Easy Access Styles
Fastening Systems
Extended Straps
V Throat Design
Sole Technology
Styles with stretch panels/uppers
Shoe 'Top Lines'
Waterproof Footwear
Toe Shapes
Or before you read the rest of the article why not check out our video on changing the fit on wider fit shoes.
Hidden Depth
solution: Our shoes aren’t just wider, they are also deeper. So plenty of wiggle
room for your toes. Our shoes have wider and deeper toe boxes, which allow room
for your feet to function normally without pain and discomfort, plus variable
fittings and adjustable fastenings so you can get the correct fitting for your
feet. High Street Shoes toe box is shallower and has less tread width.
The dotted red line to the right shows the height of the sole on the OUTSIDE of the shoe. There is extra depth that you can't see from the outside.
Pictures can be deceiving! Some of our shoes may not look as if they have deep toe boxes. This is because we hide the depth within the sole. You can wear a shoe which looks completely normal from the outside but has the comfort of a deep toebox on the inside.
Internal depth in shoe is greater than it appears, as the sole is extended up
the side of the shoe to disguise the depth. The red dotted line above shows
extra depth hidden inside shoe.
See More:
Fit Finder
Fitting Advice
Variety of Width Fittings
There is a substantial difference in additional width and depth from an EE to and 8E fitting.
The fittings we provide are E-EEE (V), EE, EE-4E(2V), 4E, 6E, 6E-8E(6V), and 8E. At DB Wider Fit Shoes most of our shoes are available in our amazing VARIABLE FITTINGS - V, 2V, and 6V. Our VARIABLE FITTINGS offer a flexible system of making shoes wider and/or deeper by removing insoles or adjusting fastenings. Why not check out Fitting Advice on wide fit shoes to help you find the perfect fit?
Check out the menu at the top of this page and you will be able to select for your width fitting in the women's or men's shoes.
See More:
Fit Finder
Fitting Advice
- Do you have one foot larger than another? Most of us do. It’s not unusual.
- Do your feet change shape during the day? Again, not unusual, especially in
warmer weather or if we have been sitting all day.
Extra features make our shoes as adjustable as possible, so that you get the perfect fit without having to go to the expense of bespoke footwear.
Removable Insoles

Consider each foot individually.
- By removing insoles, or replacing with your own orthotics, you can tailor the
fit of each shoe
- Lastly, adjust any straps or laces to the most comfortable setting for each

Examples of removable insoles
See More:
What's So Good About Removable Insoles
Supportive Back Stiffener
See More:
The Real Cost of a Fall. And How To Prevent it.
Easy Access Styles
- Easier to take on & off
- Easier to fasten securely to the foot
- Helpful if dexterity or mobility is limited
Our Easy access styles are specially designed to make taking your shoes on and off as simple as possible. The design of the shoe upper affects the ease of foot entry into the shoe. This guide will help you choose the right style for you.
Stay Points
points’ are the end points where the side of the shoe joins the front of the
shoe. There is a stay point on either side of a shoe. On our ‘easy access’
styles we position these stay points as far forward as possible to allow for
easy access. The straps are then easily adjusted to ensure the perfect secure
fit for your foot.
Twin Zip Access
This design allows the upper to open up to allow for easy foot entry.
Fastening Systems
- if shoes are not fastened on to the foot securely, movement between the shoe and the foot will occur as you walk causing sores and blisters.
- some fastenings are more secure than others - which should you choose?
- if dexterity or mobility makes it difficult to easily fasten shoes - which fastenings are more helpful?
We offer footwear with a range of fastening systems. This guide will help you decide which fastening system is suitable for your needs, taking into account the role you would like the shoes to provide when being worn and your dexterity in being able to apply the fastening.
are the securest form of fastening. They can be adjusted to accommodate
different heights of instep and provide secure, stable support around the ankle.
They are the most difficult form of fastening to use as the shoe has to be opened up and tightened requiring agility and dexterity in the use of fingers. Ideal for more able wearers who are on their feet all day

This is the easiest strap to adjust but gives a less secure fastening than a pull back strap as it cannot be 'levered' back through a D ring. Ideal for those wearers who are less active and want an easy fastening shoe.
Elasticated laid-on strap – This type of strap is the same as a laid-on strap but is attached to the upper with a section of elastic. This elasticised section will expand as the foot changes shape during the day lessening the need for further adjustment.

Where zips are used on their own, they allow for easy foot entry, but offer no adjustment, so please ensure the shoe fits securely when purchasing.

Stretch materials, or elasticated top lines also help with fitting and adjustment so keep the elegant look but ensure a securer fitting to the foot.
See More:
Shop Women's Shoes with Lace Fastening
Shop Men's Shoes with Lace Fastening
Shop Women's Slip On Shoes
Shop Men's Slip On Shoes
Shop Women's Shoes with Zip Fastening
Shop Men's Shoes with Zip Fastening
Shop Women's Shoes with Bar/Strap Fastening
Shop Men's Shoes with Bar/Strap Fastening
Shop Court Shoes
Extended Straps
V Throat Design
Sole Technology

- 'Air Bubble' soles - Using a special process which we have pioneered, thousands of tiny air bubbles are inserted during the making of this sole which cushion every step you take.
- Dual Density Rubber/PU Sole- This sole has a special panel for greater grip, and sandwiched between the outsole and the upper is an Air Bubble layer to cushion your feet.
- Lightweight Rubber Soles - Both the 'Grippy' and 'Flexible' soles are lightweight for greater flexibility.
"Flared" soles - The sole ‘flares’ out so it is bottom - wider at the bottom and
so more stable. A built in heel cup gives increased support and helps to stop
the foot rolling.
Twist Control Insoles
See More:
What's So Good About Removable Insoles
Styles with stretch panels/uppers
Look stylish, no one would know that these styles stretch to accommodate your feet. So relax and enjoy the occasion knowing that your feet are in total comfort all day. We use stretch textiles/stretch faux leathers in either panels or complete sections to accommodate an individual foot shapes.
By making the full toe box in a stretch material we provide a seam free environment that can accommodate awkward toe shapes, or expand as the foot swells giving the wearer all day comfort. Look for the icons below in the website.
How can they help?
- If you have ‘lumpy or bumpy feet’, the stretch fabric moulds comfortably to
your feet.
- Adjust to your feet if they are prone to swelling during the day. We even put
trims on elastics so that they stretch with your foot.
- Printed designs can disguise ‘bumpy’ feet
See More:
Shop Women's Shoes with Stretch Uppers
Shop Men's Shoes with Stretch Uppers
Shoe 'Top Lines'
- the top line is the top edge of the upper.
- as your foot can change shape during the day, especially if your feet are hot
or cold, it is useful to have some ‘give’ in the design of the top line.
- if the topline doesn’t fit your feet, the shoe could slip and cause
Slip On Shoes
These are very convenient as you can just slide your feet into them, but unless
your foot is the exact shape of the last that the shoes were made on, the shoe
will either be too tight or too loose, causing discomfort. To alleviate this
issue our slip-on styles have different features incorporated into them to
improve the fit of the shoe.
Elastic Gussets - Allow for extra fitting and adjustment during the day.
Elasticated Top Line - Provides a securer fastening for the foot.
Additional Features
- For instance a “V” throat or a scalloped top line, which allows some ‘give’
for a more comfortable fit.
- Fastening to the foot can be improved with the addition of a bar or ankle
strap to secure the shoe over the instep.
Waterproof Footwear
- Excellent for the unpredictable English weather!
- Perfect for intrepid walkers
- The correct fit for walking shoes is essential & we can help
Making waterproof footwear out of leather is complicated as leather is not man-made, like for instance the PVC used in a Wellington boot, and is prone to water seeping through.
To ensure waterproofness the shoe has to go through extra processes:
1) The leather is treated to increase water resistance. This process does not
guarantee waterproof-ness on its own but ensures it takes longer for water to
penetrate through.
2) The shoe is made from two uppers; an internal upper or 'bag' which the foot sits in and an outer upper. The bag is constructed using specialist materials that do not allow water to ingress into the foot, but allow moisture to escape from the foot. This bag still has to be stitched together. Stitching creates holes so every stitch has to be sealed with waterproof tape to ensure water cannot get through.
Stages 1) & 2) make the upper waterproof up to where the tongue joins the shoe. In most cases the tongue joins quite low down, meaning that the shoe is only waterproof below the tongue opening. By incorporating a 'bellows' tongue, where the tongue is sealed to the upper (shown below) up to the top of the shoe, the foot is kept completely dry.
But even with a Wellington, no footwear is waterproof if you let water enter through the top of the boot!
See More:
Shop Women's Waterproof Footwear
Shop Men's Waterproof Footwear
Toe Shapes
- Feet come in all different shapes and sizes
- Footwear can be made on all sorts of different last shapes to get the desired
- By identifying your foot shape, you can more easily choose a shoe with the toe
shape which achieves the most comfortable fit for you
When choosing your shoe, it is important to take your foot shape into account, and ensure ALL your toes have enough space. Pressure on your toes can cause bunions, hammer toes and many more serious problems.
As a comfort brand we aim to fulfil your two needs:
1. The physical need for a foot covering that protects and cossets your foot.
2. The emotional desire of wanting to wear that pair of shoes, because it goes
with a particular outfit. At the end of the day a shoe is an accessory to your
Therefore, when designing certain looks we need to follow the fashion for that look whether it be toe shapes, materials used or style of shoe. But we try not to compromise fit and therefore comfort. All our lasts are made wider in the tread (to give more room for your feet to spread) and are deeper to accommodate your toes than high street shoes. We make a different last for each width fitting.
Certain toe shapes will naturally be more accommodating for your own personal foot shape. That does not mean to say that another toe shape will not be suitable, because whatever your toe shape our lasts have been made wider and deeper to fit. The guide helps to explain the different toe shapes used in our lasts and which may be more suitable for your toe shape - look out for your chosen toe shape icon underneath each product.
See More:
Shop Women's Round Shape Shoes
Shop Men's Round Shape Shoes
Shop Women's Square Shape Shoes
Shop Men's Square Shape Shoes
Shop Women's Almond Shape Shoes
Shop Men's Almond Shape Shoe
Shop Women's Pointed Shape Shoes